
Linksmith is a NO-CODE NANO-SITE website-building tool. For everyone.

Why Linksmith?
We're designers and developers. We have NO investors, so we're not after charging exorbitant fees to satisfy Venture Capitalists.

We simply wanted to create a super-simple tool for all our favorite people to create nano-sites.
  • creators
  • micro- and small- business owners
  • professionals
  • restauranteurs
  • food-truck
  • fitness instructors
  • psyschologists & therapists
  • teachers
  • doctors & dentists
  • short-term rental owners
  • artists
  • musicians
  • and many, many more!

  • Suggestions, Comments, Thoughts
    This is a young but growing project, so feel free to get in touch: hello@linksmith.com or at the contact page.

    Philip Camilleri, Founder
    A little about me: I'm one of those "old-school" computer nerds, who's been coding since I was about 10 or 11 years old, starting out on a cutting-edge Atari 128XE with a whopping 128 kbytes of RAM; then on an Acorn Archimides A3000, before graduating to a "real" computer: an 80186 PC with MS DOS 6.

    I was born and raised in Malta, graduated from the University of Malta, and then moved to the UK and finally to New York City, having spent some time working in Italy, Germany and Malta.

    In late 2010, I cofounded SmartAsset.com one of the most popular fintech tools in the USA. Together with my cofounder (who incidentally, I met on techcofounder.com), we took SmartAsset through the usual (painful) startup stages of growth: from bootstrapping the early prototype, and almost running out of funds within the the first 12 months, to raising an Angel round, joining Y-Combinator in the Summer of 2012, and gradually building the company into a strong presence in the fintech space. Today, SmartAsset reaches over 70 million visitors/month and has raised over $50 million in Venture Capital.
    Carlos Olivo, Marketing
    Born and raised in El Salvador, I have had quite a bit of exposure exploring the world. I completed my under-graduate studies in Business and Marketing in South Korea (and speak fluent Korean). I am currently pursuing a Graduate Degree in Business at the East China Normal University, and have set my mind on learning Mandarin Chinese.

    I really got to enjoy the use and adoption of technology in Asia, and how it improved everyday-life.

    Following my undergrad studies, I returned to El Salvador and launched my own online business, putting into practice a lot of what I had learned (and making quite a few mistakes of my own!)

    I joined Linksmith to lead the company's creator outreach, and help build this into the best tool for creators, professionals and small-business-owners.